Wednesday, October 31, 2018


I hate this feeling.
I wish that everything can go back to how it was before.
Before i told you how I really felt.
But that’s not how the world works right?

Words spoken can never be taken back.
Combine that with my impulsiveness.
That’s a recipe for disaster right there.

You told me.
We both need a chill out period.
We both went over the top a lil.
Yeah, maybe we did.
I know your intentions.

I know it’s not right to keep all this bitter feeling inside.
But for now, that’s all I know how to do.
Maybe, just maybe that feeling is less now.
But I can’t just go around saying I’m fine.
I know what you said is true.
Forgiving them, it not the same as having to be fine.
Just let the bitterness go.
I am learning to do that.

I am really sorry that I tried to make you feel like a rebound.
Even if I don’t want to admit it.
Subconsciously I guess I tried to rebound to you.
You deserve better than that.
After all you have gone through.
That’s not the right way for me to do it.

I really do like you.
That won’t change.
Back when you first ask me to ‘tapau’.
I knew back then that I liked you.
But back then I couldn’t just run up to you and tell you all that.
If I did, maybe we won’t be such great friends now.
But maybe also I would’ve saved you some pain from everything.

I know all this is just sweet nothings to you.
For now, that’s all I can give you.
Sweet nothings.
Sweet nothings that I wish can comfort you.
Sweet nothings that I hope you can trust me enough to tell me what pains you.
Sweet nothings that I hope can change back things to how there were before.
Maybe things are already back to how it was before.
But it just doesn’t seem the same to me.
I messed up I guess.
But I’ll continue to do that.
I overthink stuff.
That’s the norm for me.

Anyways, I’ve rambled long enough.
I wish everything will go back to how it was.
My feelings won’t change, and I hope I don’t scare you away.

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